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Article: RSS wants to make Yaseen Malik scapegoat to win elections

Muhammad Sultan Butt


The recent hasty plea of the dreaded National Investigation Agency before the Delhi High Court seeking the death penalty for Yasin Malik, chief of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front has given clear signals that Modi led RSS regime is hell bent to Hang Yaseen Malik to please Hindutva elements and get benefit in upcoming elections.

Yaseen Malik is a hero of kashmiri nation . He is one of the most powerful voices and prominent Kashmiri leaders and people have great attachment with their beloved leader. Yaseen Malik is one of the leading pro freedom leaders who commands great respect among the masses. His struggle, dedication ,devotion, steadfastness and popularity has unnerved occupants. Yaseen Malik is an icon of freedom struggle and symbol of resistance . He was tortured and imprisoned for years but his spirit is indomitable.

The life of the ailing leader is in danger as he has been kept in solitary confinement and deprived of all rights and medical aid. In addition to that, a fair trial is denied and he is not allowed to meet family members or consult legal teams. Malik was charged with terror funding in 2017 and arrested in April 2019 by the NIA. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on May 24, 2022. Besides terror funding the JKLF chief is also facing trials in the kidnapping of then Union Home Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s daughter Rubiya Sayeed in December 1989 and the killing of Indian Air Force officers in January 1990. On May 26, the NIA sought the death penalty for Malik. India thinks that by depriving Kashmiris of their leaders they will not only manage to suppress the freedom movement but will also get the sympathy and vote of Hindu extremists.

It is crystal clear that the RSS regime wants to make Yaseen Malik as scapegoat to achieve its ulterior motives. This time it is using its kangaroo courts for its dirty politics. It is an open secret that Indian courts are under the influence of Hindutva elements. Indian lower and higher judiciary has always disappointed Kashmiris by their biased and politically motivated decisions. It’s decisions regarding Muslims especially Kashmirs are blot on the face of law and justice. The hanging of two Kashmirs Maqbool Butt and Afzal Guru in fake cases speak volumes of injustice by Hindu influenced courts. The death penalty of Afzal Guru to satisfy the so called conscience of people is blot on the face of Indian supreme court.

The recent vindication of abrogation of special status of the Modi regime by the Indian supreme court is another shameful act and blot on the face of the India Judiciary. These all historical facts are glaring examples of anti- Muslims and anti-Kashmir policies of India. It also reflects the deeprooted and institutionalized hatred for kashmiris and Muslims in India. Today,India is in the grip of Hindutva fascism . All the institutions of the country like administration, army,probe agencies are toeing the line of the Modi regime and judiciary is no exception.

The RSS apartheid regime led by Modi is using its judicial system as a tool to criminalize and punish religious minorities and its political opponents . As for as Kashmir is concerned, its demography,unique identity,and culture is the prime target of Hindutva elements. To conquer Kashmir ,impose Hindutva agenda in the region and make it part of Hindu Raster is the main highlight of its manifesto. Abrogation of article 370 &35-A,issuinging of domiciles to millions of Indian Hindus,allotment of kashmiri land to outsiders, giving right to vote to foreigners and other colonial measures are the part of a big conspiracy to enslave kashmiris on their soil and snatch everything from them.

India has deployed over one million trigger happy troops and has turned Kashmir as the most militarized area of the world. The presence of massive troops has impacted every sphere of life and made the lives of ordinary Kashmiris miserable. The caged Kashmiris have been deprived of all fundamental rights and needs.

Despite all these brutal tactics India has failed to subdue Kashmir’s passion for freedom. India has become helpless in front of the steadfastness and resolve of the freedom-loving Kashmiris and is resorting to the worst tactics to suppress their freedom struggle. Kashmiris have time and again made it clear that they will accept being hanged and rotting in jails, but we will not surrender to the tyrant and the oppressor India. After miserably failing to crush kashmiris freedom movement India is killing kashmiris resistance leaders and depriving them of their leadership. Martyrdom of iconic leader Syed Ali Gilani, Muhmmad Ashrif Sehraee, Altaf Shah and others in custody is clear proof that India is eliminating kashmiri leaders under a well thought plan.

The lives of hundreds of incarcerated Kashmir political prisoners, especially leaders, are also in danger. Musarrat Alam Butt , shabir Ahmed Shah, Nayeem Ahmed Khan , Asia Andrabi and other leaders who are rotting in Notorious jails are at stake. They have been kept in inhuman conditions and deprived of all medical and other basic facilities . Now when the Hindutva regime with the collaboration of RSS courts is planning to eliminate another popular kashmiri resistance leader it is the duty of international community specially human rights champions to stop India and save Yaseen Malik. Bring ambassador and benifector of Kashmiris Pakistan is also duty bound to raise voice against Indian injustice with kashmiris.

-This article is written by Insaf party vice chairman and APHC AJk chapter leader Muhammad Sultan Butt.

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